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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > ELISA_helper_reagent > 4adi/Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative/1 kit/5130
商品详细4adi/Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative/1 kit/5130
4adi/Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative/1 kit/5130
4adi/Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative/1 kit/5130
商品编号: 5130
品牌: 4adi
市场价: ¥10900.00
美元价: 5450.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: ELISA辅助试剂
公司分类: ELISA_helper_reagent
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

AntigendsDNA Ab
FormStds= 0-2500 ng/ml; Sample: 100 ul (1:100); Sensitivity; 75 ng/ml; 75 min assay; Quantitative; Ag-based Ab assay, 96 tests
KitContents1.Purified dsDNA Coatedstrip plate(8 wells x 12 strips).51312.Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM std A( 0ng/ml),0.650 ml 51323.Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM std B(156 ng/ml), 0.650 ml.51334.Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM std C (321 ng/ml), 0.650 ml.51345.Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM std D (625 ng/ml), 0.650 ml.51356.Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM std E (1250 ng/ml), 0.650 ml.51367.Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM std F (2500 ng/ml),0.650 ml.51378.Goat Anti-mouse IgM HRP conjugate (100X)0.120 ml . 51389.Sample Diluent, (10x), 10 ml.SD-1010.Wash Solution (100X),10 ml. WB-10011.TMB Substrate solution, 12 ml8009112.Stop solution, 12 ml8010113.Complete Instruction Manual.M-5130
MSDSTMB (substrate), H2SO4 (1% in a buffered stop solution), and Prolcin-300 (0.1% v/v in standards, sample diluent and HRP-conjugates
Product TypeKit
SamplesSerum. Plasma, Culture medium and other fluids may be adapted
SpCrossreactivityThis kit measures anti-dsDNA (IgM) in mouse serum.Anti-dsDNA (IgG specific) kits are also available.
4adi小鼠重组VEGF164(VEGF-A)蛋白(Sf9),具有生物活性 在Sf9昆虫细胞中产生的重组小鼠VEGF是一条双糖基化的多肽链,包含165个氨基酸,分子量为38814道尔顿。在Sf9,昆虫细胞中产生小鼠VEGF165(cat#VEGF34-R-10和#VEGF34-R-100),并通过SDS-PAGE和HPLC纯化至> 95%。通过银染SDS-PAGE凝胶分析确定,二聚体或聚集体小于1%。内毒素水平是<0.1 ng / ug(<1 EU / ug)蛋白质。它以冻干粉形式提供,不含防腐剂