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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > ELISA_helper_reagent > 4adi/Rabbit Anti-Mouse FLK-1/VEGFR-2 IgG #1, aff pure/100 ug/FLK11-A
商品详细4adi/Rabbit Anti-Mouse FLK-1/VEGFR-2 IgG #1, aff pure/100 ug/FLK11-A
4adi/Rabbit Anti-Mouse FLK-1/VEGFR-2 IgG #1, aff pure/100 ug/FLK11-A
4adi/Rabbit Anti-Mouse FLK-1/VEGFR-2 IgG #1, aff pure/100 ug/FLK11-A
商品编号: FLK11-A
品牌: 4adi
市场价: ¥7100.00
美元价: 3550.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: ELISA辅助试剂
公司分类: ELISA_helper_reagent
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Rabbit Anti-Mouse FLK-1/VEGFR-2 IgG #1, aff pure

Antigen20-aa peptide of Mouse FLK1/VEGF-R2 ; Designated (FLK11-P or control peptide /blocking peptide) conjugated to KLH; Epitope location~ C-terminal, Cytoplasmic domain
FormAffinity purified IgG
Product TypePrimary Antibodies
SpCrossreactivityAnti-Mouse FLK11-A is crossreactive with rat and human. No significant sequence homology is seen with human FLT-1 or other related kinases.Antibody crossreactivity in various species is not established
SugApplicationsMost Antibodies are tested by ELISA and Western.Additional applications, such as IHC or IP may have been tested and will be listed in the product data sheets or published research papers using our products.Typically, antibodies are tested against the
SugNegativeControlNon-immune Rabbit IgG Cat# 20009-1
SugPositiveControlRecombinant or naturally purified proteins or cells of tissues expressing the protein under study can be used as positive controls for Western or IHC.Please review the ?General Information? tan under Product overview section.Control or blocking peptid
4adi小鼠重组VEGF164(VEGF-A)蛋白(Sf9),具有生物活性 在Sf9昆虫细胞中产生的重组小鼠VEGF是一条双糖基化的多肽链,包含165个氨基酸,分子量为38814道尔顿。在Sf9,昆虫细胞中产生小鼠VEGF165(cat#VEGF34-R-10和#VEGF34-R-100),并通过SDS-PAGE和HPLC纯化至> 95%。通过银染SDS-PAGE凝胶分析确定,二聚体或聚集体小于1%。内毒素水平是<0.1 ng / ug(<1 EU / ug)蛋白质。它以冻干粉形式提供,不含防腐剂