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H. 不可分型流感 (NT-PHiD) 疫苗和 ELISA 试剂
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-09
HomeELISA Kits and reagents for Infectious Diseases and Vaccine researchH.不可分型流感 (NT-PHiD) 疫苗和 ELISA 试剂 不可分型流感 (NT-PHiD) 疫苗和 ELISA 试剂缩小搜索范围产品类型抗血清(1)ELISA 试剂盒(6)重组蛋白(1)Western Control(1)排序方式选择 OneName A - ZName Z - ACatalog#NameProduct TypeData SheetSizePricePHID11-CRecombinant H. Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) controls for western blotWestern Control 100 ulUSD200.00PHID11-SAnti-Human H. Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) 抗血清抗血清 100 ulUSD340.00980-250-PDGMonkey Anti-H. Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, QuantitativeELISA Kit 1 kitUSD795.00980-230-PDGRabbit Anti-H. Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) IgG ELISA 试剂盒, 96 tests, QuantitativeELISA Kit 1 kitUSD795.00980-220-PDGMouse Anti-H. Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) IgG ELISA 试剂盒,96 项测试,定量 ELISA 试剂盒 1 套 795.00 美元980-200-PDMHuman Anti-H . Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, QuantitativeELISA Kit 1 kitUSD795.00980-200-PDGHuman Anti-H. Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) IgG ELISA 试剂盒,96 次测试,定量 ELISA 试剂盒 1 试剂盒 795.00 美元PHID15-R-10Recombinant H. Influenzae protein D (Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) purified PHID protein(>95%, 6x His tag)重组蛋白 10 ugUSD300.00980-200-CUX 通过 ELISAELISA 试剂盒 1 对嗜血杆菌流感蛋白 D(不可分型,NT-PHiD)疫苗的抗体(IgA/IgG/IgM)样本进行自定义测试 1 customContact SalesSort By选择 OneName A - ZName Z - A

本文链接: http://4adi.immuno-online.com/view-1587352412.html

发布于 : 2025-03-09 阅读()